Monday, March 22, 2010

I wouldn't want a world without blue

I was struggling with what to write today so I checked out The Daily Meme and discovered the Manic Monday meme.  Each Monday there are three questions posed for you to answer.  I was drawn especially to the second question in today's post Manic Monday #204 and first I was only going to answer that question, but the more I thought about it the more I thought I'd share my thoughts for each question.

What do you value most in other people?
My first reaction to this one is honesty, but then I realized that while I do value honesty, I don't like how brutal some people are in their honesty.  Honesty is very, very important to me, but it must be tempered with humility and respect.

If you could only see black and white except for one color, what color would you choose to see?
Black and white happen to be my favorite colours so my gut reaction to this question was why do you need another colour.  Then I thought about how good it does look at times to have a splash of colour mixed in with black and white and how often the colour I choose to splash in is red, because I really like those three colours, especially together.  Then, however, I started thinking about what it would actually be like if I could really only see black and white and one other colour and I realized that the other colour I would really want is blue.  There is nothing that makes my day like seeing a beautiful blue sky, and I certainly wouldn't want to see nothing but a grey sky, so I would choose to keep the colour blue.

You have a 10 minute speech to give at a high school, what is it about?
I would read Psalm 139 and talk about how God knows them inside and out, and yet still loves them, and is always there for them.  I will tell them that God knew them from the beginning, before they were born, and He  wrote out a plan for them that He is longing for them to fulfill.

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