Here's DS #1 trying out the ski jump with DD#1 watching.

Here's DH doing the Heading the Soccer ball while holding Little One in his arms. Once again DD#1 is watching.

I have a really great video of DH doing one of the exercises but he's threatened me that if I post it I will lose all internet privileges, as well as my new camera, so I think I'll keep that to myself.
I wish I had a picture of Little One giving it a try. She loved doing the ski jump and the slalom. I also wish I had a picture of DD#1 doing more than watching, but she didn't do it when I was in picture taking mode.
I managed to get all the way across the tight rope walk! I was useless with the tree yoga pose, but I did pretty good with the rest of it. My calves and thighs are aching today from doing the lunges. It really is great fun, though. Thanks, sis, for letting us try it!