Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Blog Posts of Interest so far today

To stop from having an overloaded starred items list in my google reader, and to also help me become a more consistent blogger, I've decided that I will grab a few minutes when I can and attempt to make at least one post a day highlighting blog posts of interest that I have discovered each day. Some days it will mean more than one post a day as I grab time at different times of the day. Anyway, I have a few minutes right now so I'm going to share my thoughts on some posts I saved to my starred items list earlier today.

Over at Birdy's Blog today she posted about her Theme for the Year, which was also her theme for last year - "“I choose to live Small in a Big, Big World.”". She says "By this I mean that I will focus on my neighbourhood, I will focus on my home, and on my church. I will try to grow relationships here. I will try to serve my neighbours, my family and my church with my time, money and efforts." I really like that. I just might have to join her.

Ann, at Holy Experience, posted photos of January's Nature Calendar pages from Natural Science Through the Seasons: 100 Teaching Units, by J.A. (James Arthur) Partridge. Mamma Squirrel shares about this book in her post, from August of last year, Natural History Treasure. It looks and sounds like a truly wonderful book.

Speaking of Ann, she is featured at the Winner Wednesday post at Homeschool Blog Awards. If you have never checked out her blog you have no idea what you are missing. She is an amazing writer and her blog often features wonderful pictures. I'm not sure if she's the photographer for the pictures or not. Her blog really is a pleasure and inspiration to visit.

The Importance of Having Fun

Julie, at A Brave Writer's Life In Brief, had a very interesting, challenging post this morning. Here's a quote from it:
What life are you leading that is the exciting, expanded, enticing life of an adult that your children will look forward to attaining sheerly based on observing your varied and stimulating experiences? When your kids see you, do they see someone who has found her groove, who has outlets and hobbies, interests of her own?
In other words, are you having any fun?

I really need to think on this one. I have to admit that I need to work on this, and it's kind of freeing to realize how important it is to my children. I've often put my own enjoyment aside thinking that was what I had to do, and there are times when it is important, but it is just as important to culitivate an enjoyable, contented life, and I'm afraid I haven't been so good at that.