2. Money making saving goals for 2010 - While I don't see myself doing a lot of the things that she does, I like the idea of setting money making/saving goals for the year. Not sure if I'll actually do it or not, but I like the idea. :)
3. Online Game of Sudoku Playing Board - Love this! My dad has been hooked by Sudoku for a while now and I had tried it but couldn't quite get in to it. Love playing it through this online playing board, however. I'm still only at the easy level of play but I've played many games since finding this site last week.
4. 52 Self Portraits a Year - I found this by googling after reading Alex's 52 Fridays of Self Portraits post. I love the idea and have challenged my oldest daughter to give it a try. I think I'll do it for my little one too. Through my googling I also discovered the 52 Weeks group which has the same basic idea but is a little more creative.
5. Handmade Ornaments for Christmas 2010 - Found out about this flicker group through Alex's Handmade Ornaments for Christmas 2010 post. The idea is to pledge to make one ornament a month. I love the idea. Not sure if I'll actually do it but I will be watching to see what everyone else is creating.
6. Project 365: How to Take a Picture a Day and See Your Life a Whole New Way - found this page from Molytail 365 . I actually took up the challenge to take a picture a day in late April last year. I missed a few days but didn't do too bad. I'm in the process of putting my 2009 Project 365 pictures into a set on Flickr so that I can make a slide show of them. I'm doing the 365 Project again this year and have a 2010 album started at Picasa for it. I actually have a gadget showing the 2010 album in the sidebar of my blog. I've already missed one day but that's okay. I found a Project365 group on flickr. I may end up switching my album to Flickr - we'll see.
7. GoodReads - found this site when I went looking for an online place to record books I'm reading with my little one. You can create your own bookshelves to record whatever books you want. I have a shelf to record books I've read to my little one and also some shelves to record books I read for challenges I've joined. I have a gadget on my blog showing the books I've read to my little one and I'm thinking about adding gadgets for the other challenges too.
8. The Daily Meme - Need inspiration for blogs posts? Check out the Daily Meme. It give links to all kinds of ideas
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