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...adding to the list is so easy and really does brighten the darkest of days
31. short visit with uncle and family32. eldest son arriving safe and sound33. a fun contest34. watching youngest and oldest love one another35. sister and husband arriving safe and sound36. listening to oldest make sounds of enjoyment first at the smells and than at the taste of my cooking37. listening to son and daughter play guitars and sing and praise the Lord together38. hearing the laughter and chatter of their together time39. watching son's friend become more comfortable with the family40. mother, father, and "brother of the heart" arriving41. fun times with family42. bringing the New Year in together43. cooking for family44. dishwasher working!45. son getting safely back to his present home46. son and friend arriving safely at her house47. good weather for everyone's travels48. having friends to share burdens49. praying father50. fun loving mother51. sister and husband getting back to their home safe and sound52. the wonders of technology that allow me to "sit in" on a church service many miles away53. table cloth that I like54. sharing books with little one55. finding out how much a cousin enjoyed her time with us56. invitations to visit over the holidays57. time with friends58. listening to a sweet voice sing her own creations59. knowing oldest daughter turns to God for comfort60. being able to lay it all at God's feet
Ann explains The Thousand Gifts challenge - to start listing the gifts in the everyday and watch as your list grows...first to 1000...and then beyond...until it becomes an Endless Gifts Lists. Ann says that she tries to "add to the endless list of gifts every Monday... to begin the week with a heart spilling with gratitude!" I am following her example.