2. I took great encouragement from Ann's post The Real Secret to Happy Homemaking . Here are the snippets from it that spoke to me, but please go read the whole thing - "Homemaking is about making a home --- and a home is a safe place, a refuge, a place to be real and alive and truest true...Homemaking is not about making perfection...A perfect home may not at all be a neat as a pin home." -
3. US President's Reading Project - I found out about this through Robin's Book Week Two post and I thought it was a great idea, however, as I am Canadian, I am considering posing my own Canadian Prime Ministers Reading Project. You may see something about that soon. Please let me know if you'd be interested in such a thing
4. Loved this Sunday's Get Real With God post at Totally Tots. Here's a quote: "children are the best mirrors. It never fails. If they are going through some behavior issue or attitude problem it doesn’t take long to realize that I am the ultimate cause of this." Ouch. I have found that to be so true.
5. 12 Tips for New Bloggers - Though written specifically for book bloggers there are some good tips for all bloggers - Get into a rhythm of regular posting; Read and comment on other blogs; Ask questions in your posts; and answer questions posed by your readers in the comments; Always link to blog posts that you mention; If you get nasty comments or spam comments, ignore/delete. Do not respond; Enjoy blogging. I discovered the 12 Tips from Phylis's new book blog, Windy Ridge Books.
6. I'm considering adding the Library Loot to my list of memes to participate in. I like the idea of sharing great finds from the library and learning about what others have discovered in their local libraries.
7. 6 Steps To Effective Self Learning Love this post! My favorite point is point #4 Anytime is learning time. If we could only get that into our heads! And a favorite quote: "Let constant learning be a major part of your life-style". Found out about the 6 steps through a Self Learning post at An Unschooling Life.
8. Booking Through Thursday - another meme that I will likely use as fodder for my blogging. Every week a question having to do with reading is posed. Today's question is: Do you read the inside flaps that describe a book before or while reading it? My answer is most definitely yes! I read everything - the front and back covers, the inside flaps, the forewards and introductions, the reviews, the appendixes - everything! I know, I'm sick :)
post inspired by