Sunday, February 07, 2010

Bible Reading Report

I've been writing posts about my reading but I realized today that I haven't written a post about the most important reading that I do - my Bible Reading.

Back at the beginning of January I wrote a post that included my thoughts on the importance of Bible reading and some Bible reading plans I was considering following.  I mentioned that I had started using the default reading plan at Bible Read Through but wasn't really feeling settled in to it.  Well, after 38 days of consistently using it I think I can safely say that I am now settled in to it.  :)

I wondered how I would enjoy reading passages from three different books of the Bible everyday but I have really been enjoying it.  I think the fact that I am doing it online and all the passages are together on one page for the day makes it more enjoyable than if I had to manually look up the three different passages each day.

Having said that, however, I am missing actually holding the Bible in my hand and turning the pages.  I'm also finding that I am merely reading and not doing any actual studying.  I miss that.  I may have to do something about that soon.

I need a new Bible because my old one is falling apart so I may ask for one for my birthday.  I was also thinking tonight that I'd like to end my day with Bible reading.  I usually start my day with the Bible reading I mentioned above but I may add a night reading of some sort in the near future, maybe when I have a new Bible to page through without having to worry about the pages falling out.  :)

How about you?  Is Bible reading important to you?  Do you have a plan that you have settled in to?

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