Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Reflecting on the Old and Preparing for the New

Earlier this week a friend pointed me to a site with 10 questions for the New Year and I thought I might try to work my way through them.  Reading through these questions, however, started me thinking about my own 6 questions.

Was my relationship with God what it should have been this year?

Was my relationship with my husband what it should have been this year?

Was my relationship with my children what it should have been this year?

Was my relationship with my neighbours what it should have been this year?

Was my relationship with my friends what it should have been this year?

Was my relationship with my church what it should have been this year?

I will be taking some time to reflect on these specific questions during the next few days.  I want to acknowledge things that I did right, confess things I did wrong, and come up with specific plans to do better.

post inspired by the "Repentance and Renewal" theme in this week's

holy experience


Trish said...

Great questions. I ought to be thinking my way through the very same ones. Thank you for sharing.

John McGeough said...

Great questions when reworded for husbands too. In my blogging I am becoming a bit contemplative at the end of this decade... Beautiful blog.. thanks