Sunday, December 20, 2009

Feeling stressed about the holidays?

Want some peace?

I came upon the 12 Days of Peace idea a little late, as I only discovered it today.  December 13 the blog owner started sharing daily ideas for something easy to do to hang on to peace in your home.  I liked the idea and decided to skim to see what she had suggested so far.

I really like the idea for day one - make a list of things you're grateful for.  She suggests putting it where everyone can read it and add to it.  I think I'm going to make one tomorrow for your fridge door.

I also like the Unplug idea.  She suggests that you "Reinvest the time you would have spent facing a screen and give that face time to those you love." It goes right along with where my mind has been lately.  I know I need to set aside time for this.  

The Let it be idea also goes along with what I've been thinking lately.  It's time to let some things go and just "let it be."

This also goes along with a verse that really spoke to me in my devotional time this morning.

1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because He cares for you.

That's the key.  Give it all to Him.  Be sure to do what is important to Him and let the rest go.

1 comment:

At Home on the Rock... said...

Great post, Jacqueline and some excellent ideas. I especially like listing the things I am thankful for....think I'll do that one for sure.