Today DDs and I were busy putting together lawn signs.
DD was thrilled to get to use DH's chop saw to cut the posts for the signs.

She made fun of me when I struggled at first with using the power tool to screw the placards onto the posts, but I got the hang of it before too long.

She had a better understanding of how difficult it was at first when she finished cutting the posts and tried her hand at using the power tool, but she soon got the hang of it too.

Even Little One had a part to play. All on her own started taking the finished lawn signs and putting them up with the others.

It was a new learning experience for us all on all kinds of levels, and it was fun to all be working together.
1 comment:
Hi Jaqueline! I'm glad you found me! This looks like fun, I'd love to help out in politics some day. Good luck!
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