Monday, August 18, 2008

Essential Ingredients to Homeschool Success

Just read a post by Terri at Knowledge Quest where she shares 5 Essential Ingredients to Homeschooling Success. Go read her post because it is great and she says much more than I'm going to highlight here.

After reading her post I decided to list the ingredients and share how I feel we're doing in each one:

1. "the desire to foster a closer relationship with each of your children and your kids with one another."

This has always been very, very important to me, and in spite of how important it has been, it hasn't been commpletely successful. We're going to have to discuss this one as a family and come up with some plans

2. "a teachable spirit on the part of the parent"

I have always loved to learn, but I have to admit that I'm not always teachable. Sometimes I'm too stubborn to admit that I need to learn something. I'm going to have to work on that one.

3. "creating a home environment that is conducive to learning"

Our home environment is pretty conducive to learning but there's definite room for improvement in that respect. I need to work on getting things in order to make it more conducive to learning. Part of that is that I need to be more organized and get rid of some clutter.

4. "2 hours of your time to devote to your children’s studies"

Need to work on this one too. I tend to get lost in the computer and I need to tame that monster. I've actually been working on that and doing better.

5. "a library card"

The library has always been very, very important in our schooling and we made regular visits - until last year. Need to get back on track with that one.


Anonymous said...

Those are 5 really great ingredients! I especially like nuber 5 since my library card really seems to be getting a workout lately *grin*. I think I've got about 15 books right now with just as many on order. LOL.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure I agree that you have to be 'teachable' in order to learn. I think 'loving to learn' is MUCH more important (although, of course, maybe that is because I am not very teachable myself!!).
I love the idea of creating a home environment conducive to learning. I wonder if hogging the computer myself helps the children do other things!!!
Great post - I enjoyed it. Thanks.

Jacqueline said...

Hey, Julie! I agree that "loving to learn" is important, but in my mind the "teachableness" goes hand in hand with the love. You have to be willing to learn, even if it is just through teaching yourself.

BTW, I check out your site. It is wonderful! Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment.